87. Visit the IMAS Museum in McAllen, Texas.
Salome receives the head of John the Baptist on a silver platter.
A Zulu shield that was made of skin hung on the wall among the other artifacts.
This teak dining room set had mother-of-pearl inlaid in it.
These were Chinese PAPER cutouts
You had to be there to see how miniscule the details were.
This display was from Mexico.
There was a display sponsored by NASA
that shot the coolest images on a spherical screen.
The spherical screen hung in midair.
There was a great children's section.
Each piece of wood you touched produced a different sound.
It was triggered by the heat in your hand.
These are just a few of the animals there.
There was an exhibition on torture devices.
This was used to dislocate limbs.
Man's inhumanity to man throughout the ages was apalling.
Many of these cages were commonly displayed outside of town halls and other public places to show that you should not question authority or you would be hung naked in one of these until the elements and then scavenger birds picked your bones clean.
This sword, from a private collection, was used for beheadings.
This sword, from a private collection, was used for beheadings.
The adjacent room housed a brighter exhibition featuring spectacular works of art.